If your living space doesn’t have that homely vibe that your looking for, I’ve got the solution.

Add some good coffee table books and bam – you’ve got that homely aesthetic. These books become conversation starters when guests come around, they act as interior decor and, the best thing is that you just put these books on a table and they look damn good just sitting there.

So what’s hot in the literary world I hear you asking?

by Meredith Gatson

Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 9.24.43 pmWhether you’re the adventurous kind, or you’re a hardworking nine-to-fiver, this book gives you that little bit of daily inspiration whenever you need it. Have this cute little book on your coffee table and no one will ever leave your house uninspired!

– Buy it here –

by Jane Hornby

Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 9.15.36 pmDeep down, everyone is a foodie and we can’t help it that we love food. If you’re looking for any sort of cookbook for your coffee table, look no further because this is the perfect one, especially if you’re a serious baker.

– Buy it here –

by James Gulliver Jancock

Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 9.19.52 pm

If you like New York you’ll like this book. If you like buildings, you’ll like this book. If you like looking at really, really, really good drawings of places in New York, then you’ll love this book. Basically anyone will be impressed by this book.

– Buy it here –

by Kate Spade

Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 9.22.43 pmWith a book cover like this, you can’t resist having this in your house! This striking book will bring out the wanderlust in all of us with beautiful photographs of glamorous cities, inspirational quotes and life tips.

– Buy it here –

Words By Femme sign off

T.G.I.F. 7 Fun and Exciting Ways to Enjoy the Weekend

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Thank the lord it’s Friday..finally! I don’t know about you guys but I like the weekend. You can sleep in duh! Plus it’s the time you can go hang with your girls and relax after a long week’s worth of bills, worrying about the next move, work or guy drama. So to start this weekend off right let’s be positive and enjoy ourselves while we’re young. You only live once right? But that doesn’t mean to not take care of ourselves and our bodies.

If you haven’t read the last blog post, then go HERE and check it out for dope beats to soundtrack your life this weekend. (I know. A bit cheesy) Keep it PG for all minors ok! But the music will have you feeling some type of way until that dreadful Monday morning wake up call. In the mean time, IT”S FRIDAY!! (Drink at a healthy pace. No drinking and driving ladies and gents.)


1. Go Dancing

And no, I don’t mean go clubbing..which you can totally do, try something different and sign up for a fun hip hop dance class. This is a great way to get in shape and goof around at the same time. Dancing is a lot more cardio than you think. It’ll have you sweating in no time. You hardly even realize you’re working out. Trust me, I just took a hip hop class over this last weekend and fell in love. I found the exercise that will work for me! Classes tend to be pretty cheap as well. You can go alone or convince friends to tag along with you. Guilt them if you have to.(video from Janelle Ginestra’s channel)

2. Schedule an impromptu photo shoot with friends



Do you, a friend or someone you know have a camera? Then get a group together and organize a last-minute photo shoot. It’ll be fun and no one has to ever see these pictures if you don’t want. They will be fun to look at while at work for a quick laugh or to hold blackmail against a friend. Drinks can always be added.  Insert evil laugh here 

3. Go to a Drive-in Movie Theatre


I used to go see movies at drive-ins all of the time when I was younger. They are fun and you can make a cool trip out of them. You can take blankets, chairs and sneak snacks into the outside theaters (the concessions there are hella expensive lol) You also get to watch two movies for the price of one! Can’t beat that. This could be a chance to snuggle up close to a guy or girl you’ve been crushing on if you invite friends and make a group and make something special out of it. And if you don’t live close to one try making your own drive in. If you’re really lazy then just stay in and have a Netflix night, no harm in that either.

4. Throw a Pinterest Party!


If you’re like me then you have at least a dozen boards on Pinterest full of things you keep saying that you’ll try. Wether it’s the fitness board that you’ve added hundreds of pins to but haven’t started really looking at or that DIY crafts board that you were so excited about months ago, try them now. Right Now! This weekend with friends. Blast music while doing them and watch how much fun you’ll be having…you won’t even remember why you hadn’t tried this before. Add drinks if you want *wink wink

5. Iron Chef “Healthy version” contest…or not


Invite friends (guys, girls or both) for some fun and food! You can even make it into a battle of the sexes. Cook out of the items in your kitchen (make sure to stock up on food) or better yet have the friends bring some treats with them and get creative with the dishes. Try sticking to the healthier side if you can. Or at least drink water…or something else..

6. Go To an Open Mic Night/Karaoke Bar  


Theres bound to be some sort of talent in your town. Or at the very least it’ll be a fun night filled with laughs. You can laugh and crack jokes at the people brave or drunk enough to get up and sing. Did I mention there’s usually no cover and drinks? It may turn out to be an unforgettable night.

7. Try a dating app/site


Ok, you guys and girls know you’ve wanted to try it but you haven’t because you think it’s too weird and only for “old people who can’t find someone”. You would be so wrong. You never really know until you try. There’s no harm in trying. There are some pretty cool ones out there such as:




Coffee meets Bagel



Meet Me:)



POF (plenty of fish)

Dating DNA free


…These are some of the cooler dating outlets to try opposed to regular meeting,dating,etc. Don’t knock it until you it. I’m currently trying out Tinder and I’ve tried OkCupid as well as C.M.B. before. Take a chance and none of your friends have to find out if you don’t want them to and feel that embarrassed about it. You aren’t the only ones having a hard time finding that special someone. Trust.

Have a great weekend and comment below telling about your weekends. #goldsoulla


-Porschia 😉